Vertex Color Blending

I would be great if there was better vertex color blending. It’s all but useless in every mode except Union of Spheres. Is this a bug? Was this brought up already?

That looks like a bug. Could you please send me your scene file? You can post it as an attachment on this forum, or send it me using our ticket system.

We had some earlier discussion about material blending here:

I too am curious have you got a sample file?

I’m using box #3 to set the vertex colors to be random on birth. I can’t find a way to do this without it yet. I suppose I could bake out the particles to a .prt.

That would be great if you can reproduce the problem with a .prt file! (Unfortunately I don’t have box #3 here.)

Please bake to PRT and send a frame over so we can see what the values are.
When I tried with a PRT Volume with pretty much random colors, it looked ok in all modes, but I was using build which is kind of old. What build are you running?