AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Very slow startuptimes osx

Beta: clean install
Osx: 10.9.4
0 jobs and 0 tasks in DB

I’m experiencing very slow Monitor startup times on osx. It probably has something to do with the connection errors to the DB.
Here’s the Monitor console:

2014-08-03 14:24:04:  BEGIN - Bondes.local\bonsak
2014-08-03 14:24:04:  Deadline Monitor 7.0 [v7.0.0.26 R  (c53f90c95)]
2014-08-03 14:24:06:  Time to initialize: 1.639 s
2014-08-03 14:26:23:  Auto Configuration: No auto configuration for Repository Path could be detected, using local configuration
2014-08-03 14:26:26:  Auto Configuration: Picking configuration based on: Bondes.local /
2014-08-03 14:26:26:  Auto Configuration: No auto configuration could be detected, using local configuration
2014-08-03 14:26:26:  Time to connect to Repository: 3.464 s
2014-08-03 14:26:26:  Time to check user account: 4.000 ms
2014-08-03 14:26:26:  Time to purge old logs: 2.000 ms
2014-08-03 14:26:27:  Time to synchronize plugin icons: 811.000 ms
2014-08-03 14:26:30:  Time to initialize main window: 3.295 s
2014-08-03 14:26:32:  Main Window shown
2014-08-03 14:26:32:  Time to show main window: 997.000 ms

(This occurs when a slave is started)

2014-08-03 14:29:44: Error occurred while updating job cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 14:29:52: Error occurred while updating slave cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 14:30:02: Error occurred while updating limit group cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 14:30:02: Error occurred while updating pulse cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 14:30:02: Error occurred while reloading network settings: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:30:02: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException) 2014-08-03 14:30:04: Error occurred while updating balancer cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 14:30:17: Error occurred while updating slave reports: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:30:17: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException) 2014-08-03 14:32:02: Error occurred while updating settings cache: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:32:02: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException) 2014-08-03 14:34:28: Error occurred while updating slave reports: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:34:28: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException) 2014-08-03 14:34:33: Error occurred while reloading network settings: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:34:33: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException) 2014-08-03 14:39:03: Error occurred while reloading network settings: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:39:03: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException) 2014-08-03 14:45:33: Error occurred while reloading network settings: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017): 2014-08-03 14:45:33: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException)


My bad. I had an other mongo DB running on the same machine/port. This was confusing Deadline.


Hm. Even after cleaning up and installing again, I’m still getting theese errors:

2014-08-03 15:59:26: Error occurred while updating job cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 15:59:26: Error occurred while updating slave cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 15:59:26: Error occurred while updating limit group cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 15:59:53: Error occurred while updating balancer cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 15:59:53: Error occurred while updating pulse cache: Timeout waiting for a MongoConnection. (System.TimeoutException) 2014-08-03 16:09:34: Error occurred while updating network settings: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (bondes.local:27017):


It seem the repo installer defaults to “hostname;ip” in the mongo address field. First time around i didn’t change that but the i tried to install the repo with just the hostname as mongo address and now the errors are gone. Maybe its an Osx thing?


Hehe. Must be something else. Still getting connection errors.


Which OS do you have the database installed on?

Also, do you know if there are any network issues that are occurring that could interfere with the communication between Deadline and the database?


Its installed on osx 10.9.4 as well. Same machine. So there shouldnt be any network issues.

Have you tried just using the IP address for the server machine? Maybe it’s an issue with resolving the host name…

Can i change this without reinstalling the repo?
EDIT: Tried to change the “dbConnect.xml” in the repo, but i’m still getting timeout errors.


I’m running one slave on this machine and it takes very long to start. Spash screen says: "Connecting to repository… " Sometimes i takes as much as 2 minutes. Slave also misses its icon in the dock. Don’t know if this is related to the connection timeouts in the monitor.


This is quite strange. Can you check the mongodb log to see if there is anything in it that might explain the problem? The default place for the log should be here:

Also, can you check the Activity Monitor to see if there is more than one mongod instance running?

Strange indeed.
Heres the mongo log. (5.36 KB)
There’s only one mongod running.


Thanks for the log! Nothing obvious in it though that would explain what you’re seeing.

Would you happen to have another machine you could test running the database one? This could help determine if the problem is specific to this one machine, or if it’s a more general issue. Based on the results, we may need to get our support guys involved and maybe set up a remote session to try and debug this.


I’ll see what i can do.


Just figured out the reason for the slow startup times. I installed DL on my laptop while i was logged on to the studio VNP. The VPN changes my ip so when installed the repo, the host name became right but the ip was wrong. So when i tried to use the repo on my laptop without being logged on to the studio VPN, the slaves where searching for the repo but with the wrong ip address.
Installed everything again. This time just specifying the host name. Haven’t had any problems since.


Glad to hear you were able to figure this out! We were definitely scratching our heads on that one… :slight_smile:


Sorry about that :slight_smile:


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