VFB Configurable?

So finally the VFB toolset = A+ but playing with this monster make art system and I find while I am tweaking the density/emission strength values it is nice to work in full screen. When I do this I loose a shit-ton of real estate along the bottom and have this huge gap on the top where what is on the bottom looks to fit perfectly.

How likely is it that this could be movable or at least be able to hide it? Thoughts? I know how we all love the 640x480 setup but really it is pretty much antiquated for anything but firing off tests.

I am trying to play by the rules of the VFB Extension interface of Max.
There is unfortunately no notification when you resize that dialog, so I wouldn’t know when to change sizes (if that is even possible).
There is an icon (right-most) of the regular controls that turns these extensions on and off. If you want to see the whole screen, just uncheck it.

I will look closer if there is anything I could do, but no promises.

I understand, thought I would ask.

I do use the toggle but the slow refresh rate (ie my screen goes completely window color) and screen blink and flutter I get is a bit annoying.

One more small request, I know production shops may not use this much since their shots are mostly locked off but can we get the render view selector drop-down and lock render to view buttons back? I when I am doing something for Johnny, I usually have a bunch of cameras I scroll through and render, I kinda miss this with the Krakatoa VFB tools enabled. :frowning:

Check this out.
It adds the Reflection Strength control and the Lock Camera option (as good as I could make it given the lack of Viewport Layout related callbacks).
The min. width with Extensions is now 800 pixels. This allowed me to make some controls a bit larger, too.

I tried to add a control to toggle the bottom panel on and off. It worked, but Max still “assumed” it was there and refused to maximize the VFB to the whole screen, so I removed it. Note that you can DRAG the viewport to the size you want with the mouse and let the bottom panel just disappear at the bottom. Not optimal, but I cannot do more.

This is totally Work In Progress and might be buggy.

Note that there will be no Weekly Beta Build today due to the national holiday in Canada.
I will post a few script updates instead… (the other being InputGeometry/Object/Particles exposure in the Modifier UI).
Krakatoa_VFB_Methods_KMX2_20111111.zip (14.6 KB)

Many thanks! :slight_smile: It works just fine so far.