Viewing calculated statistics in the monitor

Is it possible to have the results of CalculateJobStatistics viewable in the jobs panel of the monitor? In particular, I’d love to have a column that shows me average task time. It would be a huge help in looking at the render queue at a glance and knowing when I could expect jobs to finish.

Will the Automatic Task Timeout update itself as more tasks complete? And is it based on a weighted average of some sort? If so, I suppose I could enable that, set it to calculate after a single task finishes, and then set the Timeout Multiplier to something obscenely large so it never actually enforces the timeout.

Is there a way to update the Extra Info fields (not the key/value pairs) for a job from a script? If so, I can write a script that calculates the statistics, shoves the ones I can about into the last few Extra Infos (we never use those fields), and I could run that script every few minutes to update the active jobs.

job.set_JobExtraInfo8("Your Info Here")

Sure. Here you go. …

Perfect, thank you!

A little bird tells me that you should also check out a ‘new’ column in Deadline v8.0 monitor as well… :wink:
[private beta starts soon]

Oooh, exciting. :slight_smile: