Voxel Rendering .. Size per DC

So , if you think of a Voxel used from a Sim as been a cube within a CFD grid , then you might have a weardness understanding this…

but if you think of Krakatoa Voxel Rendering as an " puff " around each particles like Pyro and Afterburn , that raymarches, then you will understand this request .

Many peoples would have the need of having abilitys to Vary the size of the Voxel size per particles… Basically , the same way that we can get “Density " data channel created from the TP side to feed in the " density of the point renderer " , we could use the ability to do the same with " Voxel Size float data channel for example” for the Voxel Renderer.

a thought , that would be helpfull .

Yeah, I’ve wanted this too, but you’d need something that could splat to a voxel, not to a pixel (which is closer to what Krakatoa does now). As it is now, you can stream particles to a relatively small 2D array. Splatting something like Frost does would be nice, but you’d need a LOT of memory in addition to what you have the particles reserved in. This might be feasible, of course, as you may end up needing much fewer particles.

Of course, the side benefit there is that you can save out the voxels array as the render output. That would be ideal for many things, most notably compositing.

So could it be variable to have a DC value controlling the " Voxel Size " ?

I can look into having the splat radius of a particle be adjustable on a per-particle basis.