Voxel Shading changed? : between 1.4.9 and 1.5.1 versions

Hi All,

I am working on one of the scene which includes falling water. I had setup done with version 1.4.9 installed on my machine and I have water shader made which looks right in 1.4.9 (water shader uses “emission” and “absorption” features). But same scene when I tested with 1.5.1 version, it looked completely different.

I am using voxels. So my question is : “Is shading changed between version 1.4.9 and 1.5.1? and if so which version has correct shading?”

I will post images later showing color difference.

Thanks and Regards,

My gut feeling is that the Beta was wrong and the final had something fixed, but I could be wrong.
Even looking at the images might not tell us much, because “different” does not necessarily mean “wrong”.

I have image sequence rendered in 1.4.9 for now, but I will render tomorrow again with 1.5.1 and will post both images here.

Actually I worked with 1.4.9 and made water shader according to that, so I had diffuse color watery white, self illumination a mid watery blue and opacity 85% and filter color was light pink.

and I have “Emission” and “Absorption” options are enabled, so I am not sure how this color situation getting treated in both versions now.

Also I have two spot lights in scene, one is watery white and other is mid watery blue.

Thanks and Regards,

Here is the image shows difference in shading of particles. I also have included material screenshot which used in both versions. I didn’t change anything but still getting shading difference between two versions.

I liked what I got in 1.4.9. How can I get the same look in 1.5.1?

Thanks and Regards,

Ok, I replicated a scene with exactly the same Color, Emission and Absorption (but using a sphere and PRT Volume) and looked at it.
1.5.1 is right, but not the result you want.
1.4.9 is wrong:
*The Emission of the Standard Material is NOT applied at all (you can see a second camera space emissive pass doing nothing).
If you would copy the Self-Illum. color from the material into the Override Emission slot of Global Render Values and check >Override Emission, you will get closer to the 1.5.1 look.
*Also, the Absorption is calculated differently, so you will have to tweak the values to get a similar look.

Keep in mind 1.4.9 was the first build to introduce the separate Emission and Absorption channels and support for the Materials had to be rewritten a couple of builds later. The Krakatoa Material does not even support PRT Volumes in that build, and a lot of things are just off. In fact, the closest I could get to your old look was by disabling both Emission and Absorption, but I think your image might have used some Absorption, it was just calculated differently (hope Darcy will be able to look at the code differences and tell us what the fix was exactly).

Anyway, 1.5.1 renders as it should, now you will have to either tweak the values to get the same look or use 1.4.9 (which I think is a bad idea).
Sorry for the mess, it is the danger of using Beta software for production shots.

Thanks bobo for reply.

Actually it’s not that dangerous to use Beta in production. Krakatoa indeed worked quite great.

I had really hard time setting up that water shader becoz I had to set filter color “reddish pink” and opacity at 85% worked.

I will try to get that look with 1.5.1 when I will get time.