Hi all
Hope you can help me out - I am trying to render through deadline with a Vray camera and all the output is completely blown out (almost white)
Does anybody know how I can solev this at all?
Hi all
Hope you can help me out - I am trying to render through deadline with a Vray camera and all the output is completely blown out (almost white)
Does anybody know how I can solev this at all?
Can you provide some more details? For example:
If you could post a render log from the job, and maybe even a simple scene file that reproduces the problem, we can try it out here. To find the job’s logs, right-click on the job in the Monitor and select Job Reports -> View Log Reports.
Sorry for the late reply - I actually solved this problem. It was due to the lock button on the render setup window being locked to a viewport. The viewport it was locked to was a vray cam, but then I switched it to perspective. I then had my vray cam in another viewport, and although max said it was rendering through my cam, it was actually rendering from the perspective viewport when I sent it to deadline so I simply unlocked and relocked it to the new cam viewport…
Hope this makes sense!
Thanks again
Glad to hear you figured it out! Generally, we recommend against using the lock viewport feature in max. It seems to help avoid issues like this.