When submitting a job and having the camera viewport full screen (as only VP visible of 4) deadline then renders the job from the top viewport (quad 1 instead quad 4) eventhought the view to render is locked on Quad 4.
Is there any reason for this? or is it a bug (It’s been around for a long time actually, but i kinda never bothered to tell… sorry)
The simple solution zoom out and have all quads visible before submitting the job
I was able to reproduce the problem using just a Teapot and Scanline renderer. It is definitely the lock.
Will have a closer look and pass it on to the Deadline developers if needed.
I might have a solution for SMTD which I am testing right now and it seems to work, but it would be nice if you could test it.
Navigate to your Repository folder, Submission\3dsMax\Main
Open the file SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms in the MAXScript Editor or another text editor.
Locate the code block inside the function fn SubmitJobFromUI that looks like
if oldRenderDialogState do
try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report "+Render Dialog Closed.")catch()
Insert the following right below it:
local oldRendUseActiveView = rendUseActiveView
if not rendUseActiveView and viewport.activeViewportID > viewport.numViews do
rendUseActiveView = true
try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report "+UNLOCKED the Render View - the Current Viewport was MAXIMIZED!")catch()
Now scroll further down to lines that look like
--If the merging of XRef objects was requested and there were any, restore the copy of the scene from the temp. file
if backupSceneFileSaved == true then
try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report ">Restoring Original Scene From Backup File..." )catch()
SMTDFunctions.RestoreMaxFileCopy SMTDPaths.RestoreTempMaxFile
Add the following code BEFORE them:
if not oldRendUseActiveView do
rendUseActiveView = false --restore viewport lock if it used to be engaged. Won't be touched if it used to be TRUE (unchecked) anyway
try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report "+Restored the Render View Lock.")catch()
Save the file.
Restart SMTD and try to submit with the 4th viewport set to a camera, locked, and maximized.
Without the code changes, you would get the top view rendered. With the changes, you should get the correct camera view rendered.
This morning I woke up and my fresh brain went through some other possible configurations that might not work with this fix.
So I still need to do some more testing to make sure every case is covered. But glad it solved that particular problem…