vray full screen camera viewport renders top view

When submitting a job and having the camera viewport full screen (as only VP visible of 4) deadline then renders the job from the top viewport (quad 1 instead quad 4) eventhought the view to render is locked on Quad 4.

Is there any reason for this? or is it a bug (It’s been around for a long time actually, but i kinda never bothered to tell… sorry)
The simple solution zoom out and have all quads visible before submitting the job

Out of curiosity, does it work right if the LOCK is disengaged?

aah interesting indeed, when the VP-selection is unlocked in the render dialogue this doesn’t happen and all renders fine.

I was able to reproduce the problem using just a Teapot and Scanline renderer. It is definitely the lock.
Will have a closer look and pass it on to the Deadline developers if needed.

ok cool!

think it has been there for at least half a year if not longer, so not only a 9.x thingy.

Oh, it has been there forever, it is mostly a Max bug :smiling_imp:

Aww. I’d hoped that viewport business was fixed in a later version of Max…

that’s something we hoped for with more elements :wink:

I might have a solution for SMTD which I am testing right now and it seems to work, but it would be nice if you could test it.

  • Navigate to your Repository folder, Submission\3dsMax\Main
  • Open the file SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms in the MAXScript Editor or another text editor.
  • Locate the code block inside the function fn SubmitJobFromUI that looks like

if oldRenderDialogState do ( try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report "+Render Dialog Closed.")catch() )

  • Insert the following right below it:
			local oldRendUseActiveView = rendUseActiveView
			if not rendUseActiveView and viewport.activeViewportID > viewport.numViews do 
				rendUseActiveView = true
				try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report "+UNLOCKED the Render View - the Current Viewport was MAXIMIZED!")catch()
  • Now scroll further down to lines that look like
			--If the merging of XRef objects was requested and there were any, restore the copy of the scene from the temp. file
			if backupSceneFileSaved == true then
				try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report ">Restoring Original Scene From Backup File..."	)catch()
				SMTDFunctions.RestoreMaxFileCopy SMTDPaths.RestoreTempMaxFile
  • Add the following code BEFORE them:
			if not oldRendUseActiveView do 
				rendUseActiveView = false --restore viewport lock if it used to be engaged. Won't be touched if it used to be TRUE (unchecked) anyway
				try(SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report "+Restored the Render View Lock.")catch()
  • Save the file.
  • Restart SMTD and try to submit with the 4th viewport set to a camera, locked, and maximized.

Without the code changes, you would get the top view rendered. With the changes, you should get the correct camera view rendered.


I can confirm this works like it should!


This morning I woke up and my fresh brain went through some other possible configurations that might not work with this fix. :smiley:
So I still need to do some more testing to make sure every case is covered. But glad it solved that particular problem…