Vray Job - enable AWS after submission?

Hey all, just beginning to mess around with AWS stuff, and I noticed that after a job is submitted (vray standalone), there is no way to enable AWS rendering (modify job properties nor right-click resubmit). The only thing is to stop the job and manually submit again.

Am I missing something or can this be added in a future build? My concern is that larger jobs will be submitted without AWS enabled, then when we decide to spin up the spot instances, I’ll have to manually re-submit.

As a workaround, I can preconfigure ALL jobs to enable AWS and then just flip on the AWS group/pool when needed, but button under the modify job settings would be nice too.



The enable AWS Rendering is actually a flag to parse the vrscene file to get the proper asset/output paths for the jobInfo. So even if there was a flag on the job it would need to still be resubmitted to re-create the submission parameters. I’ll definitely relay your requests and see what we can do about already submitted jobs the were not previously flagged.



Ah, yeah, that makes sense. I think for now we’re OK submitting all jobs with AWS flicked on, although right now I’m tracking a bug related to that (will post once I know more)