Hi Deadline masters! I’m trying to create a basic script to submit Vray LC + Vray Render (similar to this one) thru RPManager but I get stuck.
Can anyone help me with that, please?
This is what i’ve made/copied so far:
(--start local scope
SelectedPass = RPMdata.GetPassSelection()
--If SMTD has not been opened yet, or has been closed since the start of 3ds Max, launch its UI:
--if SMTD_MainRollout == undefined do macros.run "DeadlineRPM" "SubmitMaxToDeadlineRPM"
local theRenderer = renderers.current --get the current renderer
if isKindOf theRenderer VRay do --if it is VRay, we are good to go
--Render final image is disabled, light cache is set to render in the output dir
local oldRenderDialogState = renderSceneDialog.isopen() --see if the render dialog was open
renderSceneDialog.close() --close it before submission
rendSaveFile = false --disable output file saving
theRenderer.options_dontRenderImage = true --disable the rendering
local lcpath = getFileNamePath rendOutputFilename + getFileNameFile rendOutputFilename + ".vrlmap" --build the LC path name
theRenderer.lightcache_autoSave = true --enable LC auto-save
theRenderer.lightcache_autoSaveFileName = lcpath --and set the file name to the cache path
--Handle Region Rendering - LC Job should always be full frame
local oldRegionMode = SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode --store whatever Region mode SMTD was in
SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = #none --and force full frame submission
--Job sends to deadline
::SMTDIsCurrentlySubmitting = true --raise the flag showing we started submission and it is not canceled
SMTDSettings.PreviousJobsArray = #() --clear the dependencies list
SMTDSettings.SubmitAsDependent = false --disable dependencies for first job submission
SMTD_MainRollout.getNameFromMaxScene() --update the job name in the UI
local oldJobName = SMTDSettings.JobName --store the current job name
SMTDSettings.JobName = oldJobName+" [VRay LC]" --set the LC job's name
local batchName = oldJobName + " [VRay LC + Render]" --a batch name to combine the two jobs
local result = SMTDFunctions.SubmitJobFromUI batchName:batchName --submit the job to Deadline as part of the batch
SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = #singleFrameTiles --switch to tile mode
SMTDSettings.TilesInX = 1 --number of tile columns
SMTDSettings.TilesInY = 30 --number of tile rows
TilesPadding = 0 --whatever padding you want to use
SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobDependent = true --submit a dependent Draft Tile Assembly job
if SMTDSettings.PreviousJobsArray.count > 0 do --if a previous job exists to depend on,
--Render final image is enabled, lc is switched to "from file" and uses the precalced light cache
rendSaveFile = true --re-enable output file saving
theRenderer.options_dontRenderImage = false --re-enable rendering
theRenderer.lightcache_autoSave = false --disable the auto save mode
local old_lightcache_mode = theRenderer.lightcache_mode --store the old mode
theRenderer.lightcache_mode = 2 --set LC mode to From File
theRenderer.lightcache_loadFileName = lcpath --set the load file to the cached path from the previous submission
--Job sends to deadline with the first as a dependency.
SMTDSettings.SubmitAsDependent = true --enable dependencies
SMTDSettings.DependencyJobItems = #{1} --set the dependency on the first entry from the list
SMTDSettings.DependOnPreviousJobMode = #last --set the mode to last, so only the last job is concidered
SMTDSettings.JobName = oldJobName+" [VRay Render]" --set the job name
SMTDFunctions.SubmitJobFromUI batchName:batchName --submit to Deadline as part of the same batch
SMTDSettings.JobName = oldJobName --restore the job name
SMTDSettings.SubmitAsDependent = false --disable dependencies
SMTDSettings.DependencyJobItems = #{} --and clear the dependency jobs bitarray flags
theRenderer.lightcache_mode = old_lightcache_mode --restore the old cache mode
::SMTDIsCurrentlySubmitting = undefined --lower the cancel submission flag since we are done
if oldRenderDialogState do renderSceneDialog.open() --reopen the render dialog if needed
)--end if
)--end local scope
The main issue here is that RPManager is not updating the output path in render output and when I use RPMrendSubmit.netsubmit command it overrides the custom submission script.