We’re messing around with a few things here, and I had a few questions that I didn’t see answers for (also harder to find as when I search for “v-ray rt” the search won’t search for “rt” or “v” soooo )
Anyways, when submitting a standalone vray scene file, we can choose the engine (v-ray, rt, cuda, opencl). I did a visual comparison and RT vs full fat v-ray seem identical. Is what your calling RT the progressive engine? Typically (and correct me if I’m wrong) RT tends to cut back a bit on depth of reflections, refractions, caustics etc, but the resulting image looked identical to the typical bucket (all settings and noise thresholds being equal)
Also, is there a way to “stop” a progressive job and have it save the output? Right now, if I hit the “stop” button on the vfb, it will save the output and then close the vfb (holds true if I do it in my 3d platform or remote into my slave while its running a Deadline job and do it there). However, during some prelim testings if I suspend or fail the job via the Monitor, it seems to cut it off and no saving takes place.
I think for a definite answer on the differences between the render engines in V-Ray, the developer of V-Ray, Chaos Group support will be your best option here.
V-Ray Production renderer is not the same as V-Ray RT, they are separate render engines. RT is a progressive render engine, whereas V-Ray Production renderer can be configured to run its “image sampling” mode in either “bucket” or “progressive” mode. How either of these render engines compare at a per-pixel render output will primarily be based on what you are rendering and if that item is fully supported in RT:
docs.chaosgroup.com/display/VRA … d+Features
I would consult the support team at Chaos Group on how the above then compares with V-Ray Standalone.
Resumable rendering will save out partial renders either at per-bucket completion or at set time intervals as configured:
docs.chaosgroup.com/display/VRA … +Rendering
Currently, although the above resumable rendering saving will work in V-Ray (ie: your temp file will be saved, if you have enabled ‘resumable rendering’ in V-Ray), marking a task as failed/completed/suspended in Deadline will end up sending the same signal, which would effectively execute a “cancel” process command and hence fail out the process. In the case of 3ds Max, you should ensure “Local Rendering” is disabled, so that the V-Ray temp *.vrimg is written directly back to the network filer.
Ok, that helps a bit. I’m familiar with the difference between RT and prog, basically what I was getting at is:
However, if we are rendering with the vfb enabled, there is some command that is enacted when the “stop” button is hit, correct? Would that be something that Deadline can pass through? It just seems that suspend/fail/complete are a bit redundant in action (different in label), and now that progressive is better and more reliable and more universal across most/all platforms, being able to stop a job and still receive the output all through deadline would be huge.
I should have signed off by saying, it needs further investigation to see if/how/when we could add support for it.
Hi @MikeOwen , I’m looking for the feature.
There may be some confusion coming from the OP though, the STOP button in the 3Ds max renderdialogue cancels the render and saves the output in one hit, not the STOP button on the VFB.
In any case I’m looking to be able to stop a progressive render at anypoint and to save the output with one click. (Or at least not having to manually path each save output file name/location)
Please help. thanks!
enable resumable rendering and continue the .vrprog, or convert the .vrimg
If you have access to the machine you could always save the image from the frame buffer
With respect, you are missing the point. We need to save very quickly sometimes the RGB channel. We’re looking to stop and save a progressive renderer mid-render with one click. Is this callable via the Vray API perhaps?