VRay5 Linux2 Error: `Qt_5.12' not found

After installing vray_adv_50022_maya2020_centos7 on my Linux 2 machine and verifying that it renders frames locally, I tried rendering with deadline.

The job starts up but fails when accessing: /lib64/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.12’ not found
I have verified that /lib64/libQT5Core.so.5 exists in this location.

Deadline VRay Plugin set to run here:

When I run VRay locally like so:
sudo /usr/ChaosGroup/VRay_Builds/vray_adv_50022_maya2020_centos7/maya_vray/bin/vray.bin -sceneFile="/mnt/studio/jobs/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5/Shots/Maya_2020/3D_Scenes_Lighting/cache/Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene" -verboseLevel=2 -display=0

It runs correctly. What could be going on with the renderer not being able to find this and or other resources?

So this issue seems to be alleviated by installing with the VRay installer, rather than the zip file at arbitrary location (and manually registering env variables)