Normally I’d use the cmd line to run a custom bat file that would turn on the vray spawner and standalone so I can so some DBR over the network.
Then notepad would open up to prevent the nodes from shutting down.
However I just found the Vray DBR submit function in deadline 6(.1)
Unfortunately I can’t seem to get it working, or be able to find some documentation about.
I get the following error when I sumbit a DBR job after configuring the right (non-default) paths for the spawner exe
Error in RenderExecutable: GetConfigEntry: Attempted to access non-existent config key VRaySpawnerExecutable_3ds Max 2014 (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.GetConfigEntry(String key)
at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.GetConfigEntry(String key)
at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.TrueDispatch(ArrayList args)
at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.Dispatch(ArrayList args)
at __FranticX_GenericDelegate0`1[[System_String, mscorlib, Version=4_0_0_0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]Dispatcher.Invoke()
at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.RenderExecutable()
at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.Execute(Boolean waitForExit)
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)[/code]
Thanks for reporting this! Attached is an updated submitter that should fix the problem.
To install, just unzip the attached file to \your\repository\scripts\Submission and overwrite the existing file. Then launch the submission script again and submit a job to see if it works.
Unfortunately no, because the plugin is currently designed to only run one executable at a time for a job. You could run multiple slaves on a machine though and submit a 3dsmax spawner job to one and a 3dsmax RT spawner job to another: … pleslaves/
Task scheduling would be very good in the submitter as well. I’m still on 6.1 so it might be in 6.2 now, but if you could have the DR job run only in office hours then the slaves could pick up the normal jobs in the evenings.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the feature request. We already have this logged on our wish-list. You could work-around the limitation for the time being, by writing a python script which gets executed by Windows Scheduled Tasks (at certain intervals, such as after 7pm Mon-Fri) and if there are any DBR jobs in the queue, then suspend those jobs.
BTW - the latest (April Fools!) v6.2 build adds “Job is Interruptible” as an exposed checkbox option, although granted, this is not the same as above.