Waiting for permission to start

I’m getting this new error causing nodes to not pick up.

Scheduler - Checking with Pulse for permission to start task…
Scheduler - Pulse returned wait message. Continuing to wait.
Scheduler Thread - Waiting for 20 seconds to ask Pulse for permission to start job.

When I restart Pulse the offending node picks up a job just find.

Deadline Version

Is this a beta bug or a bad config?

Votch Levi

Hey Votch,

We’ve seen this come up a few times since the Throttle feature was implemented (so it’s not a regression in 5.1). When it has occurred, restarting Pulse always solved the problem, so we think it’s a bug in the throttling logic. We have so far been unable to reproduce it, but it is logged as a bug, and will continue to get attention as we move on to Deadline 6.0 development.

Could you post screenshots of your pulse settings (feel free to smudge out any sensitive data)? We can look to see if anything stands out.


  • Ryan