AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

We cant turn on machine via deadline


We are unable to activate the machine according to the deadline. If we deactivate the machine and then immediately reactivate it, it will function. However, if it remains turned off for one hour, it will not function.

Are you talking about wake on lan?

yes wake on lan.its possible in deadline

Have you tried to wake up your machine using WoL without deadline to be sure that it is already working?

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Hi yes wol is working fine in our machine. WOL is working fine when we shut down the machine via Deadline, and it powers on correctly within 5 minutes. However, the issue arises when the shutdown duration exceeds 2 hours, as the WOL functionality then stops working in deadline.

any update for this issue

Does WOL outside of Deadline keep working after the machine’s been off for 2+ hours?

If it does, try using a WOL sniffer like this for example or WireShark and see what’s happening to the packet.


You didn’t say what OS and what NIC you were using.

If e.g. it is Windows 10 and Intel NIC:

  1. Is “Fast Startup” disabled or enabled?
    In Windows 10: if “Fast Startup” is enabled, then WoL from S4 (hibernate) or S5 (shutdown) is NOT supported.
    Make sure that “Turn on fast startup” is UNchecked in your power options.

  2. Check NIC properties e.g. Intel has a bunch of energy efficiency settings that should be disabled.

Device manager → Network adapter → NIC properties → Power Management:
Depending on the NIC and its driver version, you’ll see a Power Management tab and you should select “Allow computer to turn off this device to save power”, “Allow this device to wake the computer”, and “Allow magic packet to wake computer” .

Device manager → Network adapter → NIC properties → Advanced:
Disable/Enable energy efficiency settings and magic packet settings.

Depending on the NIC they might have different names, options, etc.

Disable things like:

  • Energy Efficient Ethernet
  • Green Ethernet


  • Wake on magic packet
  • Wake on pattern match
  • Wake on magic packet from power off state

Reboot and test. If any of those don’t work, you should research the options for your specific NIC as there may be more settings that need to be changed.

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