Web service script access control doesn't work

In my “User Groups” settings, I have one group with a small number of members for which Web Service Scripts are enabled. They are disabled for the rest of the user groups (including Everyone). However, this doesn’t actually prevent anyone from being able to run web service scripts. I can authenticate as any user when I run the scripts without any sort of problem (by “authenticate”, I mean use their Deadline user name and an empty password in the web request, since no one has web service passwords set up).

Hello Nathan,

I checked into this and that option in the User Groups section of the monitor is an oversight. There should be no option for Web Service scripts, as we don’t have any ability to control access to those. This will be removed in 7.1 as it is misleading. Thanks for reminding us!

Hmm, that’s unfortunate. Seems like that should certainly be possible, but I guess I’ll do my own group membership testing for now.

Thanks for the info.

Hello Nathan,

Perhaps in future access controls will affect stuff outside of monitor, but not possible for now based on the current way Deadline is done.