Webserver not running or missing ?

Hi ! I’m using Pulse and the webserver to submit jobs to deadline using the Python API: (D7)

from DeadlineAPI.DeadlineConnect import DeadlineCon as Connect deadlineConnection = Connect(self.pulseServer, 8082) ...

For some reason it doesn’t look like the webserver is running at all on the machine hosting pulse. When I checked the repo settings I noticed the checkbox that use to start the webserver is missing.

How do I start the webserver in D8 ?

Deadline Version: Beta (5479c255b)
FranticX Version: Beta (2b8dc2288)
Pulse is running on Windows Server 2012 R2, firewall off

Hey Renaud,
The web service has been removed from Pulse and been made in to its own stand alone application.

You should find it at “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline8\bin\deadlinewebservice.exe”


Got it. Thanks.