Welcome to Krakatoa 1.1.0 for 3ds Max Beta Test

Welcome to the new Krakatoa 1.1.0 Beta Conference.

To keep things organized, we have renamed the old Beta Discussion conference and created a clean one for the new round of testing. Please remember to add the new conference to your mailing list if you are reading via email.

Krakatoa 1.1.0 will feature improvements accross the board, incl. better memory management and performance, better Thinking Particles support, PRT Loader improvements, new Particle Flow Operators, better PFlow Box #3 support, Vista and Max 2008 compatibility fixes, GUI enhancements and many smaller details in various areas.

The Beta will be open to all current Krakatoa 1.0.x customers. It will require a separate beta license. Once the final version is released, a new permanent license will be issued.