yesterday i’ve installed deadline and everything goes well but today…i got this messages form slave
“---- December 13 2007 – 06:49 PM ----
0: Loaded job: Imocom - ValVerde_Cozinha_T3_09 (00a_014_o_3885bd56)
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00a_014_o_3885bd56.job
0: INFO: Forcing 32 bit version of Max 9
0: INFO: Verifying installation of 3ds max 9 at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9”
0: INFO: Using 3ds Max user profiles
0: INFO: Network log file: “C:\Documents and Settings\tech\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk/3dsmax/9 - 32bit/enu/Network\Max.log”
0: INFO: Overriding the FailOnExistingMaxProcess setting…
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.Brazil Console.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.MSP Acceleration.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.FumeFX:.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.FumeFX Dynamics:.”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.VRay authorization.” by hitting the “Cancel” button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.File Load: Units Mismatch.” by hitting the “Adopt the File’s Unit Scale?;OK” button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.Frame Rate Change.” by hitting the “OK” button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.” by hitting the “OK” button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.Render history settings.” by hitting the “OK;No” button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.” by hitting the “Don’t show me this error again;Continue” button
0: INFO: 3ds max plugin for Deadline 2.7.29178, built Aug 22 2007 14:34:14 R
0: INFO: Using “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe” to render.
0: INFO: LoadMaxTimeout is 1000 seconds
0: INFO: StartJobTimeout is 1000 seconds
0: INFO: ProgressUpdateTimeout is 8000 seconds
0: INFO: FailOnExistingMaxProcess is 0
0: INFO: AlternatePluginIni is “”
0: INFO: Copying over 32 bit lightning file: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\lightningMax9.dlx
0: INFO: Starting 3ds max in slave mode
0: INFO: Silent mode is disabled
0: INFO: Strict 3ds max installation check is enabled
0: INFO: Rendering using default plugin.ini: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Also using user profile plugin.ini C:\Documents and Settings\tech\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk/3dsmax/9 - 32bit/enu\plugin.ini
0: INFO: 3dsmax command line parameters: " -deadlineSlave -p “C:\DOCUME~1\tech\LOCALS~1\Temp\deadlineplugin_174262468.ini” -q -s “c:\deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax9.max””
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - child_process::launch: Failed to assign process “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe” to job object: Access is denied.
Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- child_process::launch: Failed to assign process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" to job object: Access is denied.
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(System.String[])
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
What am i doing wrong?