What is "external cancellation" and more details about it


In the below context

Task rendering stopped due to external cancellation

and attached screenshot, what does external cancellation mean? and how to find out why it occurred and if that’s a user operation by whom was it done?


External cancellation means the task was cancelled for a reason that doesn’t come from the application plugin’s code being run by the Worker.

In this case, the task was requeued. Requeues should be in the job’s history, accessible by right clicking the job in the Monitor as a super user.

The other usual reason a task is ‘externally cancelled’ is when the error limit is hit. So even if that task hadn’t created an error, if the job was failed then all running tasks are cancelled.

Thanks, @Justin_B that explains it and I remember inspecting the job’s history from the job’s context menu, however, I couldn’t spot specifically if the re-queue was called by a specific user/machine/timestamp but sure I will check it again when that happens to find this info.

On that note, would you be able to suggest a deadlinecommand that lets us list all jobs/tasks with the reason "Task rendering stopped due to external cancellation"?

Nothing from deadlinecommand, you’d be looking at using the internal scripting API or the standalone Python API I’d think. From that you’d have to pull all the reports for a given job and loop through their titles. (Scripting docs are here)

Properly you can get the filename of a job’s given reports from deadlinecommand, but personally I’d be making some script in the internal API and calling it with "%deadline_path%"\deadlinecommand -executescript myscript.py instead.

However, if you’re just looking to highlight those reports dynamically as a user at a Monitor you can also chuck Task rendering stopped due to external cancellation into the job report search and it’ll filter down to just those tasks.