Where is render time per frame ?

Hello, 3 questions here :

1 - I render scene with task set to 10.
So when (in the “task” tab) a task time indicates 5mn I suppose each frame took 30s,
where can I see how many time took each frame ?

2 - Is there statistic somewhere about per-frame rendertime ?

3 - I don’t understand “clock running time”
In the example I attach to this mail clock running time is 16h26mn14s.
Task value is set to 10 frames and “max render timeout” is set to 20 mn
With those settings if a task takes more than 20mn it tries a second time and
So the total running time should be (2+2+2+2)*20=2h40 and not 16h…
(there’s no entry for “clock running time” in help)


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Hello Fabrice,

There is no ability in Deadline to calculate a per frame time unless your task size is 1. We don’t track or calculate the time each portion of a task takes, only the time the full task takes. Hopefully in the future we can have finer tracking along this line.

As for the clock render time, it is simply the real world time difference between the start date/time and the finish date/time. If the first task began, butt he rest were delayed by other work, you would have a much larger than expected clock running time. Hope these answers help.

Ok thanks Dwight.
(Too bad for the per-frame time as it would be a very useful information,
hope to see it soon…)


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I was just looking into this and wouldn’t it be possible to have something like total rendered hours to have simply sum of all tasks duration taken?
Ofc in case that there were 10 computers rendering total running hours would be higher then real time spent but it would give like estimate similar to man hours for project even if project took 5 working days but you had 10 guys working. Total working hours would be like 40*10 instead of real time spent which is only 5 days.

Does it makes any sense?

This would really be a great addition. Have anyone managed to display “Render time” instead of “Clock running time” on a column in the Jobs panel ?

That should be what we’re doing in the “Job Details” panel:

As far as computing the render time, that’s kind of tricky as we don’t store previous attempts or keep a running clock anywhere that I’m aware of. The tasks themselves store all of the information we use to compute this stuff. If a task is stopped, then started later, the only info you’ll have access to is when the current run started and when it ended.

There is a “Render Time” column in the tasks panel, which displays the render time per task. If you MUST have it in the jobs panel, here’s an example of how to calculate the average frame render time:
github.com/ThinkboxSoftware/Dea … ectData.py

One of the reasons for calculating after the fact is that computing the value on an on-going basis would be a pretty heavy operation. Especially because we don’t have task state cached in memory in the Monitor like we do for the jobs and Slaves.