here is my first feature whish.
To get a better performance in the viewport it would be nice, if you could specify a factor that decreases the Max. face area and Max. edge lenght for the viewport.
For example: A factor of 0.5 would decrease the both values by two.
Uhm Conrad, would it be a lot of work do it with individual controls for viewport and rendering? Like, face/edge spinner for viewport, face/edge spinner for rendering? Thanks!
So, which would be preferred, the separate spinners for viewport/render time
render-time multiplier spinner.
I like the idea of render time multiple, but I will do what people like best. Also, I’m wondering if the “maximum area” spinner is useful, or maybe remove it so that you can just adjust the “maximum edge length” (because I think edge length is probably more intuitive than area).
the Max Face and Edge parameters have slightly different effects. Constraining the area will allow more stretched out triangles in the distance. Constraining the edge length will allow larger regular triangles where there is less perspective distortion (in the foreground).
Personally, I only really used the edge length option.
to be honest, i really struggled a long time with this two values, maybe because i don’t really understood the expalnation in the doc.
Finaly i ended up with the rough perception that,
decreasing the “face area” gives me more tessellation towards the foreground
decreasing the “edge lenght” gives me more tessallation towards the background
is this correct ?, roughly
and if so, some controll over foreground and background tessallation is not bad.
The triangles near the horizon are really squished, so the on-screen triangle area is small (since it’s a tiny slice). But the edge length is large. This ratio of area-to-edgelength is the opposite closer to the camera, where triangles don’t appear as small slices.
So, what I understand is that two controls are needed? Maybe I could clean it up in the UI a little to make it easier.
i can’t speak for all the other beta testers, but personally i would keep the two values. Everyone can decide for himself whether he want to make use of both values or not.
I was going to suggest viewport settings, but of course it has allready been suggested!
I would also include separate viewport/render spinner or multiplier for horizon distance. It doesn’t really matter if it is a multiplier or a separate spinner…