white cap generation

I compared Bermuda white cap with Dream Scape one.
So, Generation point of Bermuda white cap is unnatural, I think. It seems just noise.
What is an opportunity of birth now?
It should birth on choppiness area mainly.

And the motion is just float. not drift by wave, I feel. pFlow operator is same as it too.
Does it move with wave vertex?
I think that slipping movement by wave motion and wind is necessary for foam animation.


i think we should have both -

other than the things popping on and off, i can see the need for flotsam type foam like in the Bermuda one. clearly the shape would need to be more creative other than slashes and what not.

the DS one looks just like white-cap generation, which is something we are missing.

perhaps we call them different things? one could be ‘white caps’ and the other could be ‘surface foam?’


You right.
We should have both and call them “white caps” and “surface foam”

And both movement has to spread slowly by waves.

I agree, the bm.mov foam looks unnatural. I would be curious to see the setup to see what I could do to make it look better.

The “Bermuda Whitecap Mask” texture is limited in some ways. It is generally only suited for stormy oceans that have potential folding waves. What Bermuda does is generate mask values where the waves “overlap” at the peaks. If the waves don’t overlap at all, it artificially compresses them to produce whitecaps, and generally does not look very realistic. The rendered particle-based 2d masks that Dreamscape makes are pretty good. I would like to try experimenting with particle generation for whitecaps in Bermuda also.

I have a few examples of the foam for slightly more stormy oceans. It sort of required a little bit of experimentation to get it looking decent. The default ocean setup doesn’t produce very good whitecap results. I think it is probably needs more work to get all the defaults looking acceptable. For the attached renders, I increased the wind speed, reduced the tile-size parameter and turned off the smaller foam tile layers in the texture map.
bermuda_large_ocean.mov (3.17 MB)

Thing is, I don’t see the mask following the waves tips’ shape.
Right now they look like round-ish thingies not related to what the water is doing. You could as well use a noise map.
Think it needs some improvement.
This one is not that good, but foam at least follows waves’ shape.

This one is quite nice, and it’s the effect I’d like to obtain.

that second one is a great reference! thanks!


I want a Bermuda Birth node on pFlow and TP for white cap and foam :slight_smile:
And also imploved version of Bermuda follow.

Including particle seeding has been one of the most requested features. It is definitely something I would like to try including.

youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … z8c#at=228

Around 03:20, love the white caps generation. Is not foam, I mean, it doesn’t drif over the surface, but the aspect is nice.
Something liek that, possibly procedural, would improve the water aspect 1000%.

actually, lots of great ideas/inspiration from those realflow 2012 videos.
lesterbanks.com/2011/07/next-lim … flow-2012/
Of course Bermuda is not an sph fluid simulator, but things like “wet particles” and “waterline particles” (2 videos at the bottom of the page) are the same concepts we were talking about in a few threads - the one where Bobo suggested a new volume selection modifier.
I still think that for the waterline a map would be great - I think that vray provides a map that does a similar job, and I think it acts realtime, not at rendertime.
Would be great if it was possible to have a wet map - everything below water white, above black, and with a customizable “drift”.