AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Why my render nodes don't use all their gpu power?

Hi, I managed to get all my machines working in deadline with Maya so I can render in GPU mode, but when I get them rendering I see the cpu usage at 20/30% peaks but no GPU load at all. I made sure that gpu is configured in render settings in the maya project and everywhere else. I don’t understand why this is happening and I can’t get the full work load of my machines. In CPU mode deadline uses only 20/30% too.

Can anybody help me please?


Thanks for reaching out. GPU render settings which you configured within Maya were for which renderer and are you using the same renderer to actually render with?

Try rendering without MayaBatch then isolate the issue from Deadline. When you submit a job from Maya there is an option in the submitter “Use Batch Plugin” uncheck it. Then follow here to render outside of Deadline on the Render Node directly. Does this command render through GPU?

I do not think you can force Maya to use GPU for rendering using Deadline submitter except for when you are using the GPU affinity in the submission script.

As far as I know configuration for GPU is in Maya application (renderer settings).

Could it be a bad task manager reading? I mean, the gpu being at 100% usage and not being reported in the task manager

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