I’ve been away for a while and decided to try out the new beta. 1.4.3 and 1.4.2 would fail to initialize the .dlr when starting up max. When explicitly loading the plugin from the max dialog it would fail to initialize. I had to revert to 1.1.2 to get a working environment. I know the documentation says its been tested thoroughly on 64bit machines. I was wondering if anyone was using the newer betas on a 32bit.
Glad I wasn’t the only one
The Installer does not copy the Intel TBB.DLL yet, so we posted a note to copy the file manually. Most people missed the note.
There is a version of 32 bit and one for 64 bit in the BIN\ folder of Krakatoa. It goes into the root of the Max installation.
Thanks for the help, guys. May i suggest moving the INSTALLATION section of the beta notes to the top of the list?
Me --> RTFM
Or just NOT having an installer, and just making a zip with a readme.txt included in it?