Window frame missing from Monitor

I’ve no idea what’s happened here and it seems to survive a reboot, which is more disconcerting. See the attached screenshot - it seems that something has caused the entire window frame to vanish.

Really strange, especially since it survives a reboot. I’m wondering if it’s Mono.

Do you have 2.6.7 installed, or a newer version? I guess it doesn’t matter, since we’re going to ask you to uninstall it ( … /download/).


  • Ryan

Every machine is running the latest 2.10.6 Mono install. I thought 2.10 was supported. If it isn’t could the supported version perhaps be bundled in an isolated manner to allow newer versions to be installed alongside on the system?

We’re changing our requirements to say that 2.6.7 is the recommended version, since people’s mileage tends to vary with the 2.10.x series. We will always try to make sure Deadline works with the latest versions though, but if people are not running 2.6.7, part of our debugging process will be to have them test it with 2.6.7.

Based on the documentation I’ve read, we should be able to ship a specific version of Mono as part of the Deadline install on OSX. If it’s possible, we definitely want to start doing this in Deadline 6.

The absent window frame seemed to come from permissions issues. I nuked .mono and .X(whatever) and that seems to have cured the problem.