Windows 10 Deadline Error


we have a problem with deadline 10 and windows 10.
we got a new workstation and installed the new deadline version.
the first time i launched the monitor it created the user like always… but after that i got this error message (in the attachment).
so it’s not possible to submit projects with our workstation with windows 10 installed (we use cinema 4d and the submit command doesn’t appear).

does anybodyknow how to fix this?

I’ve seen this problem with old OS X samba servers. What OS is hosting the Repository? Can you just copy the Repo folder to another machine and see if that solves things?

The OS of our render server is OS X 10.9.4.
At the moment we don’t have a machine to move the repo to.

Hmm. Well, the problem is Windows 10 versus OS X. Basically, what’s happening if I recall correctly is that OS X is returning a blank file for for the contents of a directory and .net on Windows isn’t particularly happy about it.

I think this was fixed with newer versions of OS X server, but I don’t want to have you upgrade and have something else (non-Deadline) break.

How big is your farm there? Could the Repository be moved to any Windows machine? Client versions should be able to sustain up to 20 connections to the Repository share, but that includes both artists and render machines.