[Windows 10][U.E.4.27] Unreal Engine Plugin won't do anything

Hello all,

I have developed a very simple UE4 plugin for Deadline which basically executes a comand line (exe + arguments). I log what is the actual command so that I can test it out in Windows CMD, and it runs fine in Windows CMD. When I run this on Deadline, it will just idle, without doing anything else. After a while I force the job to fail to see the actual output and I get the average Deadline output plus the following line repeated many times, but no errors at all:
2021-10-05 15:03:12: 0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False

Then I decided to test out the oficial Unreal Engine plugin shipped with Deadline, but it would just idle as well, the only difference being that one line mentioned above won’t appear.

My actual questions are:

1.- Does the official Deadline plugin work properly with version UE4.27?
2.- Do you have any idea why Deadline won’t do the job knowing that the command is correct? (It actually starts UE, and it shows a log line from the UE stdout, which appears in the command line when I do it manually, but it will just not go further.

Thank you very much in advance,

I think i had this problem with the built in submitter. My guess is you’re submitting only one frame to test. The command Unreal receives via the submitter is to render from frame 1 to 1 so it doesn’t know what to do and it fails. If you modify the built-in script to be lastframe+1 then it works.

Now it would be nice to have a new plugin that handles the Movie Render Queue.

Was there every a solution confirmed for this? I’m having the same issue. Both computers on Unreal 5 locally open the file and full screen look like its rendering. Changed output to jpg, png, avi. No progress.

I also am rendering 4 frame (2 on each computer) as tests. So its not the solution above for me.

It just keeps going with the Debug line below until it’s cancelled.

DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False


Task rendering stopped due to external cancellation

2022-11-30 21:28:01:  0: Loading Job's Plugin timeout is Disabled
2022-11-30 21:28:01:  0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user 'Dz'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: debug logging enabled
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_pluginParamFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\OSiris\plugins\638811300b1e7b16000223f9\UnrealEngine.param'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_pluginScriptFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\OSiris\plugins\638811300b1e7b16000223f9\UnrealEngine.py'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_pluginPreLoadFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\OSiris\plugins\638811300b1e7b16000223f9\PluginPreLoad.py'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_jobPreLoadFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\OSiris\plugins\638811300b1e7b16000223f9\JobPreLoad.py'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Checking for Plugin Pre-Load
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Loading Plugin...
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Executing plugin script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\OSiris\plugins\638811300b1e7b16000223f9\UnrealEngine.py'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Plugin execution sandbox using Python version 3
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: getting job user
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: setting job filenames
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Obtaining Deadline plugin object
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Setting internal variables and delegates
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Preparing Environment Variables
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Obtaining network settings
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Initializing Deadline plugin
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: This is a simple plugin job.
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: About: Unreal Engine Plugin for Deadline
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: The job's environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: returning
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Task timeout is disabled.
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Loaded job: Wormhole (638811300b1e7b16000223f9)
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: called
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: Checking for Job Pre-Load
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: GlobalAssetTransferPreLoadJob: called
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\OSiris\plugins\638811300b1e7b16000223f9\GlobalAssetTransferPreLoad.py'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer...
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller in C:/Program Files/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/task.py...
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: GlobalAssetTransferPreLoadJob: returning
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: Starting Job...
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: returning
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1-2
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: RenderTasks: called
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: RenderTasks: rendering frames 1 to 2
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: debug logging enabled
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: called
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: calling PreRenderTasks()
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: setting up child process
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: False
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Running as user: Dz
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Executable: "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe"
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Argument: "C:\Projects\Wormhole\Wormhole.uproject" "ShipNebula" -game -MovieSceneCaptureType="/Script/MovieSceneCapture.AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture" -LevelSequence="SpaceShip2_Animation" -NoLoadingScreen -MovieStartFrame=1 -MovieEndFrame=2 -ForceRes -VSync -MovieFrameRate=30 -NoTextureStreaming -MovieFolder="C:\Users\Dz\Downloads\Renders" -MovieName="ShipNebula" -MovieFormat=PNG -MovieQuality=50 -MovieCinematicMode=Yes -MovieWarmUpFrames=0 -NoScreenMessages
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Full Command: "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe" "C:\Projects\Wormhole\Wormhole.uproject" "ShipNebula" -game -MovieSceneCaptureType="/Script/MovieSceneCapture.AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture" -LevelSequence="SpaceShip2_Animation" -NoLoadingScreen -MovieStartFrame=1 -MovieEndFrame=2 -ForceRes -VSync -MovieFrameRate=30 -NoTextureStreaming -MovieFolder="C:\Users\Dz\Downloads\Renders" -MovieName="ShipNebula" -MovieFormat=PNG -MovieQuality=50 -MovieCinematicMode=Yes -MovieWarmUpFrames=0 -NoScreenMessages
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Startup Directory: "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64"
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: launching the child process
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: INFO: Process is now running
2022-11-30 21:28:02:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: waiting for child process to exit
2022-11-30 21:28:03:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:04:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:04:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:05:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:05:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:06:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:06:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:07:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:07:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:08:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:08:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:09:  0: STDOUT: LogLiveCodingServer: Display: Registered process C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe (PID: 3032)
2022-11-30 21:28:09:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:09:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:11:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:11:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:12:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:12:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:13:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:13:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-30 21:28:14:  0: STDOUT: LogLiveCodingServer: Display: Loading module C:\Projects\Wormhole\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Wormhole.dll (0.045 MB)
2022-11-30 21:28:14:  0: STDOUT: LogLiveCodingServer: Warning: No PDB file found for module UnrealEditor-LiveCoding.dll. If this is a packaged build, make sure that debug files are being staged. Live coding will be disabled for this module.
2022-11-30 21:28:14:  0: STDOUT: LogLiveCodingServer: Display: Loaded 1 module(s) (0.000s, 0 translation units)
2022-11-30 21:28:14:  0: STDOUT: LogLiveCodingServer: Display: Live coding ready - Save changes and press Ctrl+Alt+F11 to re-compile code
2022-11-30 21:28:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False