According to the manual, ‘-nogui’ should make Deadline run in the console. In my local tests with the 9.0.3 version, the slave program is run detached from the terminal and so it’s impossible to review the output on the terminal itself.
I wondered whether this is intentional.
Try throwing “-console” on there too. That’s usually only required on Windows IIRC. On Mac/Linux it usually stays attached.
That works, but it doesn’t seem to be documented anywhere, based on a search against the PDF and online documentation. Is it there, or was it missed?
Hi Phil,
Not all CLI flags are explicitly documented, but we do say here in our docs, that if you run the exe + “–help”, it will print out all available options: … ne-options
You do make a good point about the documentation of all available options in actually all our exe apps, which I do have a pet project to do something about that in the future. I have a POC knocking around here somewhere.
Thanks for the feedback!