Wish: KCM on FumeFX object

Ok, since I am no longer the only one that tried this, I feel it is more appropriate to ask.

What are the possibilities of being able to drop a KCM on a FumeFX object for use with Direct FumeFX rendering? It seems only natural. It would cut down on couple steps of worklfow, the saving, creating, and loading of a PRT. Since the sim data is already written when simulated it would also cut down on gynormous amounts of time and disk space required to write a another whole set of PRT data. Thoughts?

We plan to introduce either a separate Fume object (a la PRT Volume) or make the PRT Volume pick a FumeFX and turn it into particles in the viewport, with all the implications (KCM support, Deformations support etc.)
This might make it into 1.5.2, but it is up to Darcy :slight_smile:

Darcy I’ll buy you a cheeseburger :slight_smile:

Sold! Feel free to mail that to Prime Focus VFX Technologies in Winnipeg. :sunglasses:

Tried to see if Port of Call would mail those yummy Filet Mignon Burgers

How about:

This Looks Good :open_mouth: :smiley:


Not too far away aye :smiley: