wish list features

Hey, dont think this has been mentioned before, and hoping that this feedback is useful:

When submitting a maya job to deadline through deadline monitor, it asks first for maya file, then for project directory. not sure if there are any plans for this, but it would be dope if it first asked to pick the directory for the project, and then when you hit browse for the maya file, it opened up either the directory you just picked for the project, or the “scene” folder INSIDE the project directory…that would be dope. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion! We’re always looking at ways to improve our submitters, so we’ve logged this as a feature request. I’m sure this is something we can get done in 6.0 or 6.1.


  • Ryan

Sweet! Since you guys are taking requests, might be nice having the option to right click on a recently completed or currently active job, and having a “create new from selection” button, in case you were submitting the same job just with the next scene version or something.

We can add this to the wish list too. However, if we were to do this, we would probably want to support all the plugins that are supported by Deadline out of the box (max jobs, maya jobs, etc). That could take a little while. :slight_smile:

If you’re comfortable with python scripting, you can look at doing this yourself with a job right-click script.


  • Ryan