Wish: Particle clipping by channel


Would be really cool to have an option to delete particles by any of the channels frost can read. Say to delete by velocity, id, etc.

Also to be able to delete particles (or just exclude from meshing) particles that are inside a selected geometry object - just like selecting vertices with the vol. select.


As long as the particles are coming from a PRT Loader, you can already do all this.
In the future, I would like to see this supported for any sources, but right now culling in the PRT Loader is possible both by Channel and by arbitrary geometry volumes.

Thanks! That good to know, tho if you must own Krakatoa too for that…

That’s a misunderstanding, you don’t have to OWN Krakatoa for that.
It works with the FREE Evaluation version, so the cost is exactly $0.0

The only limitations of the Evaluation version of Krakatoa are watermark on images above 480x360, no network rendering support and a few PFlow operators that are disabled (Krakatoa Geometry Test, Krakatoa Collision, Krakatoa Geometry Lookup). Everything else including all MagmaFlow, PRT Loader, PRT Volume etc. workflows shown in the Frost tutorials are possible without paying extra. Go get it!

That’s awesome. Thanks for that info. :slight_smile: