Would it be possible to have an option, in the slave panel, just like the “job candidate filter” but for actives / rendering only slaves ?
As i don’t have remote commande in the Task panel, i can’t send CMD scripts to slaves that are on a specific job.
So I spend quite a few time searching in my slaves list the machines that are on my job.
It would be very useful to have an option as dynamic as the ‘job candidate filter’ to see actives slaves on the selected job.
Thanks !
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Service Pack 10 is out now!
i’m testing it and i can’t see the differents between this new ‘find candidates’ option and the old job candidate filter.
By the way, i still can’t make what i wanted to do.
Another way to do it would be to have a dynamic filter, that find selected jobs and filter only the actives slaves (and not the potentially available ones)
EDIT : i think the inverse could be useful too. Filters the jobs on the selected slaves could be nice when you have +5000 jobs and +300 slaves ^^
Thanks !
Hmmm…perhaps I misunderstood your request. Do these images help explain a few options?
Here’s what i want to do :
I have 2 jobs, 10 nodes on each :
If i filter my slaves with job candidate only : my slave list is almost unchanged (nearly all slave can render every 3D jobs)
If i filter with job candidate + rendering only : it’s a bit better, but i visualize ALL rendering slaves, on all jobs. And i used to work with servals jobs at same time.
( sorry double post, because i can’t send more than 3 images)
I have to add the job name in the filter (witch is not dynamic) to have all my slaves actives on my selected job.
And if i select my 2 jobs at same time, the filter could react like image 3.
Does it make sense to you ?
What happens when you actually “select” your job in the jobs panel? With “Job Candidate Filter” enabled, it only shows applicable Slaves for that job, then use Quick Filters to filter down to only rendering jobs.
In your screen-grabs, I can see that you have not “selected” your job in your “Jobs Panel”
i’ve unselected the job only for the screenshot