Wish: Toolbar buttons to clear caches

I like the PC/LC toolbar buttons, but would also like to have buttons that cleared the cached, without changing whether they are enabled or not. Like I want to clear the cache before a render, but still record it for the next render.

  • Chad

The feature exists as a right-click menu option (Clear Lighting Cache, Clear Both Caches) in the Main Controls rollout.
Where do you want these buttons to be placed and why doesn’t the context menu cut it?
Or do you mean you want ICONS on the Krakatoa Toolabar to do that? That would be trivial.

Yes, I just want macroscript buttons on the toolbar so I don’t have to have the main control panel open at all. When I’m editing PRT Volume objects I’m usually working without floating windows.



Speaking of caches, and I probably already missed it somewhere, how do I dump all of the history/sample caches without drilling through 9 folders in explorer to get to the store? Is there an quick way to dump them? and/or the possibility to set the history/sample cache location? or possibly store them on a per scene basis?

Just thinking by the amount of data that can be generated by Krakatoa maybe it is time to have a predefinable directory tree, with prt, shadow, light, history/samples, other data? (of course I am sure you guys already have some system built) I know it would be handy for me anyway, instead of creating the structure by hand every time I start something. I have got some seriously messy multi-iterated folders full of krakatoa gooeyness.

LOL, it seems that last time I cleared the history/samples folder out it was hogging up around 30gigs, dude it was loaded, it really didn’t dawn on me since I rarely use it. I am glad it is there but it was a shocker my OS drive is only 74gigs (which happens to be where my user accounts still reside)

Presets and History rollout > Explore button.
This will bring you to the location where most of the session data of Krakatoa is kept.
We don’t deal with PRT / Shadows saving folders, it is up to the user.
But Presets, History and most MagmaFlow stuff go into a central location, and you can delete whatever you want there.
The real big stuff is the sample images which are in their own folder. If you delete them, the History records will still work, just won’t be able to show you thumbnails and the original rendering.

In short, delete the content of the \samples folder if it is above 1GB, or a portion of it.
You can also delete image samples one by one from the Presets and History rollout, but that would be painfully slow.