wishilist item for stoke atmospheric

It would be great if the stoke atmospheric could also render the stoke source object. The easiest way right now would be to convert to prt and use the krakatoa atmospheric to get it to render.

It would be great to have that option since I don’t currently own krakatoa :frowning:

Maybe there is a easy work around to convert the stoke source into a stoke field? I’m going to give that a shot. Will update!


I’ve gotten the stoke source into a stoke field. Wasn’t too hard. Just found the nearest particle from a prt loader to the stoke field position and if was less than a unit away I’d give it a density of 1, otherwise 0.

A follow up question.

Does either the stoke atmospheric or krakatoa atmospheric render motion blur? I haven’t been able to get it to work in the stoke atmospheric.


Note that there are several ways to sample particles onto a grid. Yours works, but might not be optimal.

First, look at the ParticleSplat and PVelocitySplat operators in the Stoke category.
The former is a general purpose particle sampling on a grid operator. The latter is mainly for transferring Velocities and is the equivalent of what the Stoke Particle Simulator does with particle velocity sources.

The alternative approach is using the ParticleSumRadius which searches within a spherical radius. If you expose several channels and divide them by the Weight channel, the values will be weighted based on the distance from the sampling point (far away particles will influence much less than close ones).

I don’t think the Krakatoa and Stoke Atmospheric effects can produce motion blur. I don’t remember whether it was a limitation of the way we implemented it, or of the Max Atmospherics system itself. Btw, if you own FumeFX, you can export your Stoke Fields to FXD and render using a FumeFX grid with all its bells and whistles (like multiple scattering etc.)

Thanks for the feedback Bobo!

I ended up using both particleSplat and PvelocitySplat. I played around with ParticleSumRadius too and while it’s very handy it can get quite slow when sampling millions of particles.

I was able to export the magma into a fxd’s! When I saw the result in the fumefx preview window, I think I pee’d my pants a little. So damn cool. :slight_smile:

Thanks Again!