I am making a genome that references an objects geometry and it’s transform.
When I expose it, I seem to have to expose both the geometry node and and object node and hope that the user selects the same object in both.
It’d be great if i could just select one and convert to the other.
I realise that geometry can be a group of objects and object is just one, but if there was a conversion node or something that would spit out the geometry of an object input that would be great.
Various aspects of this wish are already on the Wish List.
*A node that takes a geometry object (e.g. from an IntersectRay hit index and such) and produces an Object pick that can be used in node query operations. This was needed for my raytracing example where I had to hard-code the wireframe colors in the same order as the Geometry picker. So it is hacked right now and I want it cleaned up.
*Make the Object picker support multiple objects, for example for looping through multiple nodes. Useful for processing multiple lights or multiple scene nodes in general, esp. now that we are adding a LOOP node.