Load first N is cool, but dangit, I need to load LAST N, as the fun stuff is happening in later events in Pflow.
So my particles are born all on frame 1 in Event01, and the cool ones test to Event02. The PRT puts Event01 particles at the top and Event02 at the end.
Also, any chance we could get Skip N for 1.2? Basically the opposite of Every N, it would skip those particles that would have been true for Every N, so you could have 2 PRT loaders, one that renders every 10th point, and one that renders the other 9.
Finally, and this is nitpicky, could we get some better indication in the UI as to what mode we are in? Every N and First N look so much similar when it’s just text in a drop-down. Buttons would be good, but I’m up for anything.
> >Also, any chance we could get Skip N for 1.2? Basically the >opposite of Every N, it would skip those particles that >would have been true for Every N, so you could have 2 PRT >loaders, one that renders every 10th point, and one that >renders the other 9.
Will log it as a wish.
> >Finally, and this is nitpicky, could we get some better >indication in the UI as to what mode we are in? Every N and >First N look so much similar when it's just text in a >drop-down. Buttons would be good, but I'm up for anything.
How about a little color-coded swatch next to the list which is green in First N, Blue in Last N and RED in Every Nth? (red because it is SLOW! ;o)
That should help. Sorry to be such a pain, but we’ve got >some users getting confused, and I think this will to the >trick. > >- Chad
Just a note that Last N will be about as slow as Every Nth because we have no way of skipping to a position inside the file without reading through the particles in the beginning. So visually it will be similar to First N, but speedwise more like Every Nth. Sad, but true. (no wonder it’s color will be BLUE ;o)
Another note: While there IS a blue option Load Last N Particles in the PRT Loader's GUI, it has not been hooked up yet internally in v1.0.100.30288. So it is not broken, just not ready yet.