Wishlist: OUT channel exposable

Let’s say I’m doing a simple setup, Position -> MappingN. So just a simple way of doing XYZ to UVW. The problem is, I want to provide a selection as to what UVW channel the data gets written to. I’m pretty sure I’m stuck.

Makes sense!
Thanks for the feedback, will do ASAP.

Try updating your scripts with this one.
Please keep in mind it was a 5 minute naive implementation and I might have missed something.
Also, during my test I hit the already reported bug where the order of channel access can crash Max, e.g. copying TextureCoord into Mapping2 crashed Max, but copying Mapping2 into TextureCoord was cool.
Please let me know whether it works or not…

NOTE: To expose ONLY the Mapping Channels (Color, TextureCoord, Mapping2-99), set “Channel List Sorting” to “Mapping Only” before exposing the node. This will lock the list to only the channels displayed at the time of exposure. I think adding an option for a custom filter pattern (e.g. regEx or something) to provide custom channel patterns, or explicitly creating “named channel lists” and adding them to the Sorting options would be a good idea for the future.
Genome_MagmaFlow_ExposeOut.zip (73.7 KB)