I am writing my own deadline submitter in Maxscript.
It all works well apart from rendering regions: The render always comes back as a full image render.
I have studied the available documentation and can’t find a working solution.
(Using Deadline with 3dsMax 2019.3 and Vray Next update 3)
My testing setup:
• Max viewport region box is set and Max render region mode is on.
• Defaults are loaded early on in my script via: SMTDFunctions.loadSettings()
When I add:
SMTDSettings.RegionUseMaxValues = true
–Rendered saved image is full frame.
I then add:
SMTDSettings.RegionRendering = true
SMTDSettings.regionType = #region
–Rendered saved image is full frame.
I then tried an explicit arbitrary region:
SMTDSettings.RegionUseMaxValues = false
SMTDSettings.RegionLeft = 50
SMTDSettings.RegionTop = 50
SMTDSettings.RegionRight = 60
SMTDSettings.RegionBottom = 60
–Again full frame image saved.
Clearly I am missing something fundamental.
Any guidance greatly appreciated!
I have not worked with regions, but your best bet is to compare the job properties of your job and one submitted with the vendored submitter. From there see what properties are related to what SMTDSettings
It might be that VRay uses different properties for the region.
Thank you for the advice, Mois!
I will investigate further and reply back if I find something.
I studied two “max_job_info.job” files.
A: the file created by the stock submitter
B: the file created by my submitter
Firstly, the obvious and slightly concerning difference:
A = 42 lines of code
B = 555 lines of code
Secondly, A contains no lines containing the word “region”
Thirdly, the following “region” related lines appear in B only:
vray_system_region_sequence_enums5=Hilbert curve
I guess something in B is overriding the Region and forcing a full frame render.
Just not sure what!
I don’t see any of the above parameters in the SMTDSettings my submitter uses to set up the job.
So even if I find the issue, it seems like I will have to parse the .job file to find the line to change it before submitting?
Seems like a crazy hack!
Any poke in the right direction, much appreciated!
Thanks all!
I received help from Bobo and got my code working!!
The missing ingredient:
SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = #maxRegion --instead of #none
So from default SMTD settings all my script needs to do enable region (using Max region box):
SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = #maxRegion --used for both region and blowup
SMTDSettings.regionType = 2 --2 for region 3 for blowup
SMTDSettings.RegionUseMaxValues = true
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Nice that you figured it out. I wish there was more documentation on these things.