AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Worker Scheduling: Start/Stop Linux Service or Enable/Disable Worker

The default Worker Scheduling allows one to start and stop the deadline worker according to various criteria presented in the UI. We are currently launching our workers through a linux service, so we’d like to use Scheduling to either:
1)Stop/Start/Restart a bespoke linux worker.service.
2)Enable/Disable the standard worker instead of starting/stopping the standard worker.

Is this possible? Are there other alternatives that you’d recommend?

FYI: part of the reason we are using a service is that we start workers in specific cgroups to help manage memory/cpus/gpus etc.

The Worker Scheduling should work as you as expected. The idle detection would not not work with Deadline is running as service, as listed limitation here: Worker Scheduling — Deadline documentation

You can group the render nodes in Worker Scheduling and apply the Worker Scheduling on them.

Here is a Worker Scheduling documentation which would help: Worker Scheduling — Deadline documentation

Is it possible to change/override the functionality of the Remote Control → Worker Commands → Start, Stop, Restart Worker, etc?

In addition, does idle detection and scheduling use these particular Remote Control commands to start and stop the workers? Or does it use something else like deadlinecommand ?


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