WOW Cool Velocity Stimulus :-)

This looks pretty crazy, the intro vids look really interesting and very likable.

Cloud crafting, smart :wink:

You know the first question I would ask would be…so when do we get to play? :smiley:

We haven’t even scratched the surface of what is possible. That’s why you are here - we want to talk about what you might want to use Ember for, and what features are missing.
For example, I was showing Radka the vampire teapot scene and she asked - how about when the smoke reaches the top of the “room”, a smoke detector lets water particles fall down on it to extinguish the fire? I haven’t set up that yet, but it sounds like a cool idea… :smiley:

Licensing is working, but we need to make an installer. Also a few bugs to fix here and there.
My guess would be early next week.

Hmm wow yeah a procedural detection based on proximity, sure I could see that, really interesting though.

I am trying to capture it in my mind but I keep thinking like voxel based which you said it is not, trying to think in the manner of fields and controlling them, that is really powerful. So without trying to over simplify this, we would be able to manipulate anything that generates a field or works within a field? Of course the light casting a ray based switch LOL WTF that was cool. :ugeek:

Totally tip-of-the-iceberg but for instance I can pretty much spot Random Walk a mile away, I really like random walk BUT it really doesn’t seem so random since it is fairly recognizable, so if one could modify on top of random walk it would behave similarly but look different.

With the examples you pretty much threw all the vegetables into the soup. I am a little overwhelmed at the moment. :blush:

I just posted a new video in the Welcome post, as discussed.
Now THIS is why we wanted to make Ember (or at least the tip of the iceberg we wanted to create):

Blended simulations!

So this begs me to ask, since it is quite difficult to match the Fume shader in Krakatoa (specifically when using fire, multi-scattering, both) at least for me or when you do the voxel mode render is not quite as fast, what are the possibilities of Ember being able to write back to .fxd? Frost can easily take advantage of RF/naiad particle streams at rendertime. Fume on the other hand has some disadvantage here.

Writing back to FXD is on the short term To Do list. :slight_smile:

Wow that is exciting news indeed!

Speaking of writing, will there be file I/O for fields or will it always be discretized to voxels?

We intend to support I/O in a PRT Loader style manner with Field 3D (and .fxd files). I would also like a disk-cache like we do with PRT files.