WRN: Infinite Velocity in output mesh


I save a pflow to PRT with velocity among other and then created a PRT loader with the result. I then slowed down the PRT file by animating the graph. And I then used Frost to mesh the particles.

On some frames I get this error:

WRN: Infinite Velocity in output mesh

Do you have any idea what could this be? A search with these error message on this forum gives nothing.

The first thing I’d do is check if the Velocity channel was saved using float16[3]. To check:

  1. Select your PRT Loader.
  2. In the Krakatoa menu, choose “Launch the Particle Data Viewer utility…”
  3. In the “Krakatoa - Particle Data Viewer” dialog that appears, press the “Update” button.

Now, take a look at the Velocity column in the dialog. It should say either “Velocity float16[3]” or “Velocity float32[3]”. If it says “float16[3]”, then please try try re-saving the original particles using float32[3] instead. To do so:

  1. Open the Krakatoa Rendering dialog.
  2. Expand the “Save Particles” rollout.
  3. In the “Save Channels” list, choose “Velocity”.
  4. Press the “32” button under the “Save Channels” list.

Now, save the particles like usual, and load this new file sequence into your PRT Loader. Does this fix the problem?