Wrong 3DSMax viewport rendered

We’ve just started using Deadline to manage our Max / VRay render farm jobs. One user in particular is having problems whereby renders come out completely white. The user has the default viewport layout in Max, and we determined that despite having the camera view (bottom right viewport) selected when the job was submitted, what was actually rendering was the top view (top left viewport). Making the top left viewort the camera view enabled him to get the correct render out.

However, he then tried with a different camera view in the top left and bottom right viewports. He selected the top left viewport when submitting the render, but the farm rendered the bottom right viewport. This is most perplexing, to say the least.

When looking at the job properties within Deadline, it lists the camera that was slected to render, not the one it actually renders.

Has anyone experienced this issue and found a resolution?

Thanks in advance.

Can you please provide more information about

  • The version of Deadline used
  • The version of 3ds Max and VRay used
  • Whether the View was Locked in the Render dialog.

Thanks in advance!

I see this all the time when the viewport lock button is checked in the render settings dialog box as you see below.
deadline cannot read the state of this checkbox, dont use this checkbox ever if your using deadline.
hopefully this helps.


See below for our 3dsMax FAQ on this subject:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … x.html#faq

Thanks for the responses. I should have said version numbers.
We’re using Max 2016, VRay 3.20.02 and Deadline 7.1.21

I’ll get our vis team to try without locked viewports and see what happens.