wrong slave version in job deadline monitor

Previously I had installed beta 9 on linux on our slaves. Now I’ve installed beta 10. Of the 100+ machines that I installed beta 10 on however, only 2 of them now report v6.0.0.49986 in slave version column in the monitor while the rest still report I’m not sure why its not reporting the new version? When I went from beta8 to beta9 there were no issues.

That’s weird. Does restarting the Monitor, or any of the slaves that are reporting the wrong version help?

If that doesn’t help, can you double check the version number on one of the problematic slaves? The slaves write their version number to their application log (in case you’re running in headless mode). Otherwise, you can check the version in the slave’s UI by selecting Help -> About.


  • Ryan

I tried restarting both but it doesn’t make a difference.

The logs show:
Deadline Slave 6.0 [v6.0.0.49761 R]
Deadline Launcher 6.0 [v6.0.0.49761 R]

I’ve tried completely deleting the previous installation directories /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline6 /var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline6 /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline6 and then installing but that did not make a difference. I would think maybe I downloaded the wrong file except a couple of the slaves do have the correct version numbers.

Hmm… I’m not able to reproduce this here. Could you try deleting one of these slaves from the slave list to see if it comes back with the right version? You’ll have to set up pools/groups on it again, so keep that in mind. I’m just wondering if somehow the current version in the database is “sticking”, and if deleting it will “unstick” it.

I deleted the slave with deadlinecommand and then restarted the launcher. When it came back into the monitor is still had the old version number.

Installed beta11 but slaves still reporting v6.0.0.49761 R

I still can’t reproduce this. I tested both a Windows and Linux slave and both showed the correct version.

When you installed beta 11, did you upgrade the repository first, and then the clients? Or was it the other way around? If you installed the clients first, I’m wondering if the slaves are “auto-updating” to the older version that’s still in the repository.

Yes that is the order I did things in: first slaves then repository. But now a day later, it seems to have righted itself and now all the slaves are showing the correct version.

Cool! In the future, you’ll definitely want to do repository first, then slaves, especially if you have auto-updating enabled.


  • Ryan

I thought autoupdating doesn’t work in deadline6 yet?

It’s not “supported” yet, but all the functionality is in there. In fact, starting with beta 12 and later, we will now support the auto updating again. So beta 12 should be the last version you need to do a full manual install for (providing nothing comes up that requires us to change a core Qt library).