X-Mesh Question

Being a little shell shocked from some of the cool stuff I saw this week, I totally forgot to ask the utmost of important questions of which the answer is not 42.

Does X-mesh supports changing topology?

I only assumed that it would since it is building the render time equivalent.

Can anyone confirm or deny?

Of course it does. It supports changing anything (vertex and face counts, mapping coords, smoothing groups, material IDs etc.) because it writes out snapshots of what the renderer would get on each frame (or sub-frame).
In its Max version, it is really the geometry passed to the renderer being retargeted to disk. Loading that data back allows the exact same rendering as if the data were not cached out. As with PRT sequences, each file is independent of surrounding files.

Thanks, I had figured as much, but figured and knowing well, I would rather know than figure :slight_smile:

Is there any posted information on xmesh? All I know about is that ‘it’s awesome’.

Not that I know of, except for this post from today:
We have a closed beta forum, but we haven’t started the Beta yet, so very few people can see it.
What do you want to know?

How awesome is it?

This is a difficult question, because awesomeness is in the eye of the Kung-Fu Panda / beholder.
How awesome is Frost on a scale from one to Krakatoa? :wink:
I cannot answer that, and the same applies to X-Mesh.

Here is a project where Blur used the new X-Mesh pipeline to move Softimage ICE sims to Max for rendering (robot crowds, laser beams):

uh… wicked. were they simply trying to get the meshes over so they could be rendered with vray? laser beams with krakatoa?
how was the materials handled for the robots? was that done in softimage and kept in tact when brought into max? kinda above my head,
but seems rather wild.

I did not work on it, I just got word from our management that this was the trailer Blur was trying to get done when we added X-Mesh to Softimage and Max at their studio, and the robots and lasers used the pipeline… I will see if I can get more details.

haha cool, could have controlled all them little crab mechs with simple Box#2 PhysX and Frost Geo Objects too!

im guessing ice was used to get the swarming over the landscape, but i guess there is always 100 ways to skin the cat. Thanks Bobo! i was just
being curious heheh :slight_smile: