Xgen not rendering on blades(linux machines)

I hope this is the right location to post about this issue, but if, not can somebody guide me to where exactly i should post this in order to get some thoughts on this. Thanks.

I am trying to render xgen fur on deadline and I am facing some issues with the network path. My company uses a combination of linus based Blades and windows computers as render farm. Our servers are divided into two drive system. One houses the assets files and the other houses the output files.
The scene in question has the asset files on asset drive(storage1) and the alembic, lighting files etc are stored on output drive(framestore).
My xgen folder that houses the xgen maps and collections are on the asset server.
Alembic for the characters are coming from output server which is residing in its own separate folder.
Deadline renders the frames that are on the windows machines without complaining. But blades yell about not finding the corresponding collection. The collection that its yelling about gets created by xgen and is located in the same directory where we save our lighting file. But in this case it is looking for them at the above mentioned alembic folder. Any idea why is it doing so?

I am attaching a screenshot of the log from one of the blades.
I am rendering on vray maya 2017.