AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

XMesh output not matchin PFlow particles.

Hi All,

I’m having a recurring problem with XMesh where I save a multi-event pflow system to XMesh cache but the resulting cache does not match the source particles. I have my Quantity Multiplier both set to 100% for viewport and render and I tried messing with pflow sampling options and it makes no difference - the cache still comes out inaccurate. Sometimes particles even pop-off when they shouldn’t. This makes xmesh with pflow pretty unusable for me.

Have you guys encountered this sort of of behaviour and have you managed to fix it?


That sounds like a bug.

Could you please send us a scene file that reproduces the problem? You can send us files using our ticket system. You may need to ZIP the file to get it through.

Hi i will just add that we have the same issue happening here.
Is there any news about this?

Could you please send us a scene file that reproduces the problem? You can send us files by using our ticket system. You may need to ZIP the file to get it through.

In the case reported above, I was able to match the cache to the source particles by changing the XMesh Saver to save “1 Sample/Frame” (which is controlled using a dropdown box in XMesh Saver -> Save Options -> Frame Range To Save).

Hi, we mostly use 1 sample/frame and that din’t seem to do it.
what triggered my interest is that it might not be xmesh that is doing it wrong, but actually particleflow.

Because we added a cache to disk node under the render node in the particle tree. cached the particles to disk, and when we now xmeshed the particles it all matched up.
So i think xmesh is doing it right. Its just 3ds max and particleflow displaying it wrong. Even when we have display 100% and render 100%

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