This is absolutely not XMesh-related. An XMesh is simply a geometry object like any other, with the same ability to animate over time. So the question is, can you do this with any animated object, or a Point Cached object, etc. It really turns into a PFlow/Box3 problem.
I suspect you would need to use a ShapeInstance synced to the Age of the particle, and manipulate its Age channel with Box3.
yes ok youre right. I thought someone here “might know” or have done before…
i will ask in the pflow box3 forum… i think johny random has had some luck controling xmeshes, but using frost to instance the xmesh
Something to watch out for, if you’re trying to control the XMesh time: you must change the XMesh Loader’s “Loading Mode” to “Nearest Frame Velocity Offset” (or “Frame Interpolation” or “Subframe Interpolation” if the mesh has non-changing topology). Otherwise, you’ll only get the mesh for the frame that is currently being rendered.