AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Xmesh Processing while hidden

I was trying to save particles view krakatoa and couldn’t figure out why it was taking so long when it was realtime in my viewport. I tracked it down to an xmesh loader with genome on top. the mesh is quite dense. I even had it hidden, and disabled the viewport display. However, it seems that when rendering the xmesh is still processing the files. In my case, it was taking 40 seconds / frame to save my particles. When I delete the xmesh loader it takes less than 1 second.

I guess the best solution would be to make sure the xmesh loader isn’t processing when hidden.
Another option would be some sort of 3rd option below Render-> Render Sequence/ Proxy Sequence / None

Using loader

Thank you for your report! I will look into this.

Yes, we should add this option anyways.

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