Xmeshing and conserving materials

I have the question
I save a mesh made from 44 object as xmesh object with parameters as shown in attachement screenshot. I save it as a single object.
before xmeshing It contains animation and some modifiers.

But there is no way to recieve xmesh with conserved materials. There is multi sub material generated, but it seems not working. The mesh is all blue, as if one material is used to cover whole generated xmesh object.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for help

and here is mentioned result of xmeshing.
xmesh multimaterial is applied, but original materials are lost, both in viewport and render

what am I doing wrong?

It is hard to tell what went wrong, because this should work exactly as advertised.
Obviously, the correct Multi-Sub Material was generated, you have the MaterialID channel set for saving, but your XMesh Loader shows the wirecolor of the XMesh and not the material.

One way to debug this would be to add a Vol.Select to the XMesh Loader and set to to Face mode, Select By > Material ID.
Enter 1, then 2, then 3 and then 4 as the Material ID and look at the selection in the viewport - are the right faces selected or not?

Also, can you provide the exact build number of your XMesh Saver and XMesh Loaders?
You managed to hide the title bar of the XMesh Saver when making the screenshot, and you can look in the Help rollout of the XMesh Loader to see its version…